The debut of the new weekly comedy show
Incubation happened last night, produced by my comedy group
Children of the Atom and created/hosted by my bunny-obsessed buddy
Barbara Holm. The show was great, but my signif was too kind and decided to leave behind a debit card for me while he is in L.A. Drinks upon drinks were bought along with the inevitable pizza purchase and mozzarella sticks and cheese bread and more wine.
The after party at my place included the aforementioned things along with a drunken decision to ditch a desk outside my apartment building that resulted in getting yelled at by the manager of the halfway house next door. Then it was on to
N'sync videos and a cold, hard reminder that
Justin Timberlake's hair when grown out and bleached blond looks exactly like an uncooked package of
Top Ramen. I did not fulfill my initial promise to my friend
Alex of
Nintendo gaming, which was the initial reason for the party, but seriously, hooking that shit up would've taken at least ten minutes which is valuable drinking time when you hope to pass out by 2 am.
I am sad
Alex is leaving for Japan next week, but I'm excited for her up and coming modeling career. I offered to room with her and model together like some kind of wacky/sexy live action manga, but then I remembered the Japanese aren't really low on short, nobby-kneed girls with black hair. Oh well, I guess all dreams can't come true.